Decomposition: Macrodemand - Microsatisfication

The Intelligent Commercial Logistics Center Design

The global distribution system of industrial production has become a critical ingredient of worldwide industrial production at the present stage. For decades of industrial production, supply chain systems have supported most industrial companies. However, people still use the outdated large shopping malls' systems on the consumer end. In today's highly developed Internet technology, large logistics centers that can quickly pick up goods should replace those outdated shopping malls.

While studying in school, we discovered the inconvenience of modern shopping malls. Traditional shopping malls, such as Costco and Sam, are filled with pick people around, and we often see upset people not getting what they want. Because of the lack of an intelligent ordering system, some shelves are empty with all goods sold out, and others are full of unsold goods. Old supply systems lead consumers to find it difficult to arrive in the store before realizing whether there is any inventory of goods, and high freight for independent families at farms to use online shopping.